mustash.processors – Built-in processors

pydantic model mustash.processors.AppendProcessor

Bases: Processor

Processor for adding values to a list / array.

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

field allow_duplicates: bool = True

Whether to allow duplicates in the target list.

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field with which to get the array.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field values: list[Element] [Required]

Value to add to the document.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.BooleanProcessor

Bases: FieldProcessor

Processor for converting a value into a boolean.

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

  • _validate » all fields

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field from which to get the size.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field ignore_missing: bool = False

Whether not to fail if the field is not present in the document.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field remove_if_successful: bool = False

Whether to remove the source field after processing it.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field target_field: FieldPath | None = None

Target field to set with the result.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


async process(value: Element, /) bool

Process the field into the expected type.


value (Element) – Value to process.


Processed value.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.BytesProcessor

Bases: FieldProcessor[str]

Processor for converting human-readable byte values into a number.

This processor parses the field as a string representing a size with a number and unit, e.g. 123 MB, and converts it into their numeric value in bytes.

For more information, see Bytes processor (ElasticSearch) and bytes mutation (Logstash).

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

  • _validate » all fields

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field from which to get the size.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field ignore_missing: bool = False

Whether not to fail if the field is not present in the document.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field remove_if_successful: bool = False

Whether to remove the source field after processing it.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field target_field: FieldPath | None = None

Target field to set with the result.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


async process(value: str, /) int

Get the number of bytes from the given field.

This method is equivalent to parseBytesSizeValue.


value (str) – Value to process.


Processed value.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.CommunityIDProcessor

Bases: Processor

Processor for computing the community ID for network flow data.

Community ID is defined in the Community ID Flow Hashing Specification.

For more information, see Community ID processor (ElasticSearch).

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field destination_ip_field: FieldPath = FieldPath('destination.ip')

Path to the field containing the destination IP address.

field destination_port_field: FieldPath = FieldPath('destination.port')

Path to the field containing the destination port.

field iana_number_field: FieldPath = FieldPath('network.iana_number')

Path to the field containing the IANA number of the transport protocol.

Such numbers are defined in the Protocol Numbers registry.

field icmp_code_field: FieldPath = FieldPath('icmp.code')

Field containing the ICMP code.

field icmp_type_field: FieldPath = FieldPath('icmp.type')

Field containing the ICMP type.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field ignore_missing: bool = False

Whether not to fail if the field is not present in the document.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field seed: Annotated[int, Ge(0), Lt(65536)] = 0

Seed for the community ID hash.

This seed can prevent hash collisions between network domains, such as staging and production network that use the same addressing scheme.

  • ge = 0

  • lt = 65536

field source_ip_field: FieldPath = FieldPath('source.ip')

Path to the field containing the source IP address.

field source_port_field: FieldPath = FieldPath('source.port')

Path to the field containing the source port.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field target_field: FieldPath = FieldPath('network.community_id')

Output field for the community identifier.

field transport_field: FieldPath = FieldPath('network.transport')

Path to the field containing the name of the transport protocol.

This is only used if the field referenced by iana_number_field is not present in the document.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.CopyProcessor

Bases: Processor

Processor for appending values to an existing array.

For more information, see Set processor (ElasticSearch) and copy mutation (Logstash).

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field from which to get the size.

field ignore_empty_value: bool = False

Whether not to set an empty value.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field override: bool = True

Whether to override the field if already exists.

field remove_if_successful: bool = False

Whether to remove the source field after processing it.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field target_field: FieldPath [Required]

Target field to set with the result.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.CSVProcessor

Bases: Processor

Processor for parsing a singleCSV line.

For more information, see CSV processor (ElasticSearch) and csv filter (Logstash).

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field empty_value: str = ''

Value used to fill empty fields.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field to extract data from.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field ignore_missing: bool = False

Whether to raise an error if the source field does not exist.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field quote: Annotated[str, StringConstraints(min_length=1, max_length=1)] = '"'

Single-character quote used in CSV.

  • min_length = 1

  • max_length = 1

field separator: Annotated[str, StringConstraints(min_length=1, max_length=1)] = ','

Single-character separator used in CSV.

  • min_length = 1

  • max_length = 1

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field target_fields: list[FieldPath] [Required]

Array of fields to assign extracted values to.

field trim: bool = False

Whether to trim whitespaces in the unquoted fields.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.DateProcessor

Bases: FieldProcessor

Processor for parsing dates and adding a timestamp.

For more information, see Date processor (ElasticSearch) and date filter (Logstash).

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

  • _validate » all fields

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field from which to get the size.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field ignore_missing: bool = False

Whether not to fail if the field is not present in the document.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field output_handler: DateTimeFormatter [Required]

Date and time format handler.

field parse_handler: DateTimeFormatter [Required]

Date and time parsing handler.

field remove_if_successful: bool = False

Whether to remove the source field after processing it.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field target_field: FieldPath | None = None

Target field to set with the result.

field timezone: tzinfo [Required]

Timezone to use when parsing the date.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


async process(value: Element, /) Element

Process the field into the expected type.


value (Element) – Value to process.


Processed value.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.DropProcessor

Bases: Processor

Processor for dropping the current document.

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.FloatingPointProcessor

Bases: FieldProcessor

Processor for converting a value into a floating-point number.

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

  • _validate » all fields

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field from which to get the size.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field ignore_missing: bool = False

Whether not to fail if the field is not present in the document.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field precision: Literal['half', 'double'] [Required]

Precision expected for the target field.

field remove_if_successful: bool = False

Whether to remove the source field after processing it.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field target_field: FieldPath | None = None

Target field to set with the result.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


async process(value: Element, /) float

Process the field into the expected type.


value (Element) – Value to process.


Processed value.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.IntegerProcessor

Bases: FieldProcessor

Processor for converting a value into an integer.

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

  • _validate » all fields

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field from which to get the size.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field ignore_missing: bool = False

Whether not to fail if the field is not present in the document.

field max: int | None = None

Maximum accepted number, included.

field min: int | None = None

Minimum accepted number, included.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field remove_if_successful: bool = False

Whether to remove the source field after processing it.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field target_field: FieldPath | None = None

Target field to set with the result.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


async process(value: Element, /) int

Process the field into the expected type.


value (Element) – Value to process.


Processed value.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.IPAddressProcessor

Bases: FieldProcessor

Processor for converting a value into an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

  • _validate » all fields

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field from which to get the size.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field ignore_missing: bool = False

Whether not to fail if the field is not present in the document.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field remove_if_successful: bool = False

Whether to remove the source field after processing it.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field target_field: FieldPath | None = None

Target field to set with the result.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


async process(value: Element, /) IPv4Address | IPv6Address

Process the field into the expected type.


value (Element) – Value to process.


Processed value.

Return type:

IPv4Address | IPv6Address

pydantic model mustash.processors.JsonProcessor

Bases: Processor

Processor for parsing raw JSON from a field into another, or root.

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

  • _validate » all fields

field add_to_root: bool = False

Whether to add the parsed data to root rather than in a target field.

This must not be defined to True if target_field is defined.

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field from which to read raw JSON.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field target_field: FieldPath | None = None

Field to populate with the parsed JSON data.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.KeepProcessor

Bases: Processor

Processor for only keeping some fields.

For more information, see Remove processor (ElasticSearch) and prune filter (Logstash).

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

  • _validate » all fields

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field fields: set[FieldPath] [Required]

Fields to keep.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.LowercaseProcessor

Bases: FieldProcessor[str]

Processor for converting a string to its lowercase equivalent.

For more information, see Lowercase processor (ElasticSearch) and lowercase mutation (Logstash).

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

  • _validate » all fields

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field from which to get the size.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field ignore_missing: bool = False

Whether not to fail if the field is not present in the document.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field remove_if_successful: bool = False

Whether to remove the source field after processing it.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field target_field: FieldPath | None = None

Target field to set with the result.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


async process(value: str, /) str

Process the field into the expected type.


value (str) – Value to process.


Processed value.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.RemoveProcessor

Bases: Processor

Processor for removing one or more fields.

For more information, see Remove processor (ElasticSearch) and prune filter (Logstash).

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

  • _validate » all fields

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field fields: set[FieldPath] [Required]

Fields to remove.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field ignore_missing: bool = False

Whether to ignore any field to remove missing from the document.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.SetProcessor

Bases: Processor

Processor for setting a field to a value.

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field with which to get the array.

field ignore_empty_value: bool = False

Whether not to set an empty value.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field override: bool = True

Whether to override the field if already exists.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field value: Element [Required]

Value to add to the document.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.SortProcessor

Bases: FieldProcessor[list]

Processor for sorting an array.

For more information, see Sort processor (ElasticSearch).

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

  • _validate » all fields

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field from which to get the size.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field ignore_missing: bool = False

Whether not to fail if the field is not present in the document.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field order: Literal['asc', 'desc'] = 'asc'

Order in which the array should be sorted.

field remove_if_successful: bool = False

Whether to remove the source field after processing it.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field target_field: FieldPath | None = None

Target field to set with the result.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


async process(value: list, /) list

Process the field into the expected type.


value (list) – Value to process.


Processed value.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.RegexpSplitProcessor

Bases: FieldProcessor[str]

Processor for splitting a string into an array.

For more information, see Split processor (ElasticSearch) and split filter (Logstash).

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

  • _validate » all fields

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field from which to get the size.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field ignore_missing: bool = False

Whether not to fail if the field is not present in the document.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field preserve_trailing: bool = False

Whether to preserve empty trailing fields, if any.

field remove_if_successful: bool = False

Whether to remove the source field after processing it.

field separator: re.Pattern [Required]

Separator pattern.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field target_field: FieldPath | None = None

Target field to set with the result.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


async process(value: str, /) list[str]

Process the field into the expected type.


value (str) – Value to process.


Processed value.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.StringProcessor

Bases: FieldProcessor

Processor for converting a value into a string.

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

  • _validate » all fields

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field from which to get the size.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field ignore_missing: bool = False

Whether not to fail if the field is not present in the document.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field remove_if_successful: bool = False

Whether to remove the source field after processing it.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field target_field: FieldPath | None = None

Target field to set with the result.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


async process(value: Element, /) str

Process the field into the expected type.


value (Element) – Value to process.


Processed value.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.TrimProcessor

Bases: FieldProcessor[Union[str, list[str]]]

Processor for trimming a string.

For more information, see Trim processor (ElasticSearch) and strip mutation (Logstash).

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

  • _validate » all fields

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field from which to get the size.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field ignore_missing: bool = False

Whether not to fail if the field is not present in the document.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field remove_if_successful: bool = False

Whether to remove the source field after processing it.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field target_field: FieldPath | None = None

Target field to set with the result.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


async process(value: str | list[str], /) str | list[str]

Process the field into the expected type.


value (str | list[str]) – Value to process.


Processed value.

Return type:

str | list[str]

pydantic model mustash.processors.UppercaseProcessor

Bases: FieldProcessor[str]

Processor for converting a string to its uppercase equivalent.

For more information, see Uppercase processor (ElasticSearch) and uppercase mutation (Logstash).

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

  • _validate » all fields

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field from which to get the size.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field ignore_missing: bool = False

Whether not to fail if the field is not present in the document.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field remove_if_successful: bool = False

Whether to remove the source field after processing it.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field target_field: FieldPath | None = None

Target field to set with the result.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


async process(value: str, /) str

Process the field into the expected type.


value (str) – Value to process.


Processed value.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.URIPartsProcessor

Bases: FieldProcessor[str]

Processor for parsing an URI to extract parts.

For more information, see URI parts processor (ElasticSearch).

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

  • _validate » all fields

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field from which to get the size.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field ignore_missing: bool = False

Whether not to fail if the field is not present in the document.

field keep_original: bool = True

Whether to keep the original URI as <target_field>.original.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field remove_if_successful: bool = False

Whether to remove the source field after processing it.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field target_field: FieldPath | None = None

Target field to set with the result.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


async process(value: str, /) str

Process the field into the expected type.


value (str) – Value to process.


Processed value.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.URLDecodeProcessor

Bases: FieldProcessor[str]

Processor for decoding an URL.

For more information, see URL decode processor (ElasticSearch) and urldecode filter (Logstash).

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

  • _validate » all fields

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field from which to get the size.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field ignore_missing: bool = False

Whether not to fail if the field is not present in the document.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field remove_if_successful: bool = False

Whether to remove the source field after processing it.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field target_field: FieldPath | None = None

Target field to set with the result.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


async process(value: str, /) str

Process the field into the expected type.


value (str) – Value to process.


Processed value.

Return type:


pydantic model mustash.processors.UserAgentProcessor

Bases: FieldProcessor[str]

Processor for parsing a user agent.

For more information, see User agent processor (ElasticSearch) and useragent filter (Logstash).

  • extra: str = forbid

  • arbitrary_types_allowed: bool = True

  • _validate » all fields

field condition: Condition | None = None

Condition depending on which the processor is executed.

field description: str | None = None

Optional description of the processor.

field field: FieldPath [Required]

Field from which to get the size.

field ignore_failure: bool = False

Whether to ignore failures for the processor.

field ignore_missing: bool = False

Whether not to fail if the field is not present in the document.

field on_failure: list[Processor] | None = None

Processors to execute when a failure occurs.

field properties: list[str] = ['name', 'major', 'minor', 'patch', 'build', 'os', 'os_name', 'os_major', 'os_minor', 'device']

Properties to add to the target.

field regex_file: str | None = None

Name of the file containing the regular expressions for parsing.

field remove_if_successful: bool = False

Whether to remove the source field after processing it.

field tag: str | None = None

Identifier for the processor, included in debugging and metrics.

field target_field: FieldPath | None = None

Target field to set with the result.

async apply(document: Document, /) None

Apply the processor to the document, in-place.


document (Document) – Document to which to apply the processor.

Return type:


async process(value: str, /) str

Process the field into the expected type.


value (str) – Value to process.


Processed value.

Return type:
