
Mustash is centered around pipelines that transform a document.

The following sections explore these concepts more in depth. Note that all of these elements are defined in mustash.core.


Documents are a single unit of data on which processors can apply. They are arrays associating keys with document elements, which in turn can be associative arrays, or other types.

Documents are represented in Mustash using Document. Document elements, on the other hand, are represented using Element.


Pipelines are an algorithm through which a document may get transformed. They are constituted of a series of processors, that each define a step of the transformation.

Each processor may have a condition which, if found falsy, leads to the processor not being applied to the concerned document.

Each processor, when applied to the document, may raise a failure. A processor instance can be configured to ignore failures, or execute another series of processors in such a case.

Pipelines are closely related to their counterparts in other platforms, such as ElasticSearch ingest pipelines, Logstash filters or Splunk ingest pipelines.

They are represented in Mustash using Pipeline, and are composed of a series of processors represented using Processor, which may bear a condition represented using Condition.

Field paths

Field paths are textual representations of the location of an element within a document.

They are represented in Mustash using FieldPath.